Yoga Maya

Strengthen & Flow - Online
with Asha


July 24 (Wednesday)
at 9:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Class location
On-line Class

Dive into a dynamic and empowering practice that focuses on cultivating strength, and mindfulness. This class offers a journey through sequences designed to seamlessly intertwine movement and breath, guiding you towards enhanced physical and mental resilience.

In vinyasa yoga, each movement is synchronized with a breath. The breath is given primacy, acting as an anchor as you move from one pose to the next

Expect an invitational, challenge by choice practice that invites you to explore your edge mindfully. By syncing breath with movement, you're encouraged to uncover the harmony between mind and body, fostering a deeper connection within yourself.

Join us for an empowering Strengthen & Flow runs every Wednesday at 9:30 AM with Asha. Embrace this opportunity to expand your practice, nurture your strength, and cultivate a renewed sense of vitality, both on and off the mat.


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