Yoga Maya

Full Moon Activation
with Bubbles & Tam


July 14 (Thursday)
at 7:45 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Class location
Studio Class

THIS IS A DONATION EVENT :: Please bring cash contribution on the day. All proceeds will be donated to not-for-profit organization Brollie Brigade or Perth Homeless Group.

Tam and Bubbles are offering their debut collaboration as a donation event, a full-moon power source re-set. Tam will be offering pranayama guided breath meditation for invoking vital life giving force with intention of cleansing properties, and encouraging expressions of intuitive fluid movement. Bubbles will be offering an Intuitive guided meditation with elements of energy work known as Multidimensional Quantum healing, and sound bath including incredible energetic sounds of Crystal Sound Pyramid.

Being Bubbles first time formally holding space we welcome their beautiful energy, offerings and love to our Yoga Maya community. Bubbles work and contributions to society involves volunteering and working to provide support and holding space for our homeless peoples, AOD peoples and those with mental health challenges. Bubbles is committed to their own daily sadhana (spiritual practices - energy, movement and breath practices) and being a light in the darkness for themselves and others.  

Whats a Full-Moon Activation?
Research and studies show correlations of the lunar cycle effects on humans, and although exact mechanism of moon’s influence on humans awaits further exploration, knowledge of this kind of biorhythm may be helpful to us. They’ve found human and animal physiology are subject to seasonal, lunar and circadian rhythms. And some studies have found that humans were more physically efficient during full and new moon lunation’s. As well as recorded increase in emergency rooms, more police resources required on the streets, a full moon energy illuminates... it  highlights, and exposes places for our inner work. This can be a power source utilised to move deeper into connection with yourself, your current purpose, and to ask for guidance on what the universe wants you to see and look at within yourself and the world around you, to find how, where an din what way your loving-kind attention is needed to help you better further your progression on your path, increase your consciousness, self-awareness, self-care, self-love... and work to be a more positive force for the evolution of yourself and others. Therefore full and new moon lunations may offer an auspcicous meditative energetic force... a cataclysimic for the process of encourgaing something, parts of ourselves, things in our unconcious to become actived, se we can be conscious to them.


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