Yoga Maya

5 Week Beginners Course (on-line)
with Keith


February 27 (Sunday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
90 minutes

This On-line Beginners Foundational Yoga Course is for people who have enrolled onto the course and have the 5 Week Beginners Pass.
  • 5 x 90min Sunday sessions
  • Week-by-week workshops developing body-mind awareness through yoga informed movement and breathing tools
  • Introduce you to basic foundational yoga poses some of which, but not limited to, puppy pose, child pose, easy seated pose, reclined butterfly pose, mountain pose, savasana (arguably the most favorite pose!)
  • Help you discover how to personalize your practice by listening to your body. Respecting your boundaries. Enhancing your capabilities.
  • Learn to manage your practice through some common injuries, ailments, disease, and mental and emotional fluctuations.
  • Discover how to self-assist beginner level with alignment cues and props


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